Fränkly Speaking Toastmasters

About Us
The first advanced bilingual Toastmasters Club in Franconia!
We are an established advanced club that chartered in April 2013. We want to help our members excel in their speaking and leadership abilities in both English and German. Any member of another club who has finished the CC manual or Level 3 in Pathways can also become a member of Fraenkly Speaking as a dual member.
Our speaking and educational program supports speakers who want to go the extra mile and conquer advanced speech and leadership projects. Fränkly club meetings are very diverse. We have time for flexible meeting setups. You want to give a 30-minute presentation? You want to test-drive an educational before doing it at a Toastmasters conference? You feel like you need a really honest speech evaluation? We can do all that. And much more.
When and where do we meet?
The Fränkly Speaking Toastmasters club meets every 2nd Saturday of the month. Our meetings start at 10:30 a.m and take about 2 hours. Our meetings and workshops are open to all Toastmasters!
Hybrid Meetings
Online (Zoom)
Nachbarschaftshaus Gostenhof
Adam-Klein-Str. 6,
90429 Nürnberg
Room 004 or Kleiner Saal
The venue is only a 3 minute walk away from the U-Bahn stop “Gostenhof” (U 1)!
What is Toastmasters?
Learn public speaking in a Toastmasters club
Toastmasters main goal is to help all members to become better speakers and successful leaders. In a professional, supportive atmosphere you practice expressing your ideas clearly in front of an audience. There is also plenty of fun and food for thought.
In the Nürnberg-Erlangen area there are already 4 Toastmasters clubs, 3 in English, 1 in German. In addition to these clubs, Fränkly Speaking Toastmasters was founded in 2013 as a bilingual English/German speaking Toastmasters club. It is the first Toastmasters club in Northern Bavaria for advanced members who have finished their first 10 manual speeches (CC) or Level 3 in Pathways. The members have the opportunity to practice “longer” speeches or speeches they need for their professional life. The club also provides workshops regularly for all members of the other clubs in Bavaria.
Toastmasters International is a worldwide Non-Profit Organization. The first Toastmasters club was established on Oct 22, 1924 in Santa Ana, California by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley. He conceived and developed the idea of helping others to speak more effectively. Over time, Toastmasters has grown to more than 16,000 clubs worldwide.
You can become a member of the Fränkly Speaking Toastmasters club if you have achieved Competent Communicator (CC) or finished Level 3 in Pathways.
But please feel free to join our meetings as a visitor – our meetings are open to all Toastmasters members and guests.
You may contact us at: fraenklyspeaking@gmail.com
Other Toastmasters Clubs
Nuremberg Toastmasters
The first English speaking Toastmasters Club in Franconia. Meetings every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. website | next meeting
Noris Toastmasters
English speaking Toastmasters Club in Nürnberg. Hybrid meetings every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Same location as Fränkly Speaking (Nachbarschaftshaus Gostenhof, Adam-Klein-Str. 6, Nürnberg, Room 113). website | next meeting
Nürnberger Rhetoriker
Erster deutschsprachiger Toastmasters Club in Franken. Treffen jeweils am 1. und 3. Mittwoch im Monat. website | next meeting
Erlangen Toastmasters
Our neighbours in Erlangen meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Hybrid meetings are in English. website | next meeting
Bamberg Toastmasters
English-speaking Toastmasters club in upper Franconia that meets in hybrid format every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. website | next meeting
In Camera Online
An online-only club formed in Franconia with an international membership. English-speaking meetings every Friday morning. website | next meeting
Toastmasters Division D
Currently over 20 Toastmasters Clubs in Bavaria form Division D and meet once a year for speech contests. website
Toastmasters District 95
District 95 - Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway / Deutschland, Dänemark, Schweden, Norwegen website
Toastmasters International
Official homepage of the Toastmasters Organisation / Offizielle Homepage der Toastmasters-Organisation website